Here you will find useful blogs, free downloads, infographics, NFE brand partners (and discounts) and more to help you progress with your sport nutrition coaching education.
Blog post explaining how a perfectionist mindset can impair your progress. Driving for progress over perfection will allow you to build long-term sustainable nutrition habits. This is true of the Nutr... ...more
NFE Newsletter
January 31, 2024•3 min read
Blog post explaining what is learned effectiveness and how to practise learned effectiveness. This is sports psychology technique that champions use. ...more
NFE Newsletter
January 24, 2024•2 min read
Understand what is learned helplessness and how to avoid it, so you subconscious stops blocking your progress. Change your psychology for an athletic advantage ...more
NFE Newsletter
January 17, 2024•4 min read
Here are recommendations for gift ideas for healthy people, what to buy sport and healthy people for Christmas. ...more
NFE Newsletter
December 17, 2023•5 min read
Blog post detailing some of the frequently asked questions regarding sports nutrition coaching with Nutrition for energy. Frequently discussed topics include weight management for athletes, protein-ba... ...more
Sports Nutrition Your Questions Answered
March 20, 2024•12 min read